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Thanx to Andrey Lake Gladilin for permission to use this Lexx graphic!


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

the sounds of LEXX- info, downloads, soundtracks

Originally posted 1-25-13

I haven't looked around in awhile, but I think the Lexx soundtracks are out of print. I was surprised to see that a brand new original print is going for over $300 on Amazon. Don't know if that will change before you click this link, or how long it will sit there like that. lexx soundtracks: Music

Here are linx to more info about the soundtracks, wavs, and apps.
LEXX ???? IWHDS (There is an audio section when you scroll down a little.)
There are probably more places online to find Lexx sounds and information behind it all, but that's a good start, and you can probably do your own detective work from here.

I actually own three Lexx cds. I bought them before Salter Street sold sold out while they were still quite cheap. (No, I'm not looking to sell.) At one time I had scanned two of the cds and the liners, and I think I was the only person online who had done this (copies of my original scans are still on a Russian fan site

I decided to scan everything I have  on the cds from scratch. I thumbnailed, but the images will pop up pretty big when you click them so you can compare the different print versions. If there were other releases besides these, I've never seen them. I have no idea who owns this stuff now or whether it will ever be reprinted again.

If it weren't for fans obsessively archiving their passions, this stuff might have disappeared a long time ago.


  1. As a Lexx fan, I want to contribute to help The Lexx to continue on its journey, the only Yo WAY Yo that I know how, is with making art. It is great to know that there are still Lexx fans still out there from the future past...

    1. Sorry so slow getting to comments, not used to getting them lol. That link no longer works, I'm afraid, but I did find cached pages so fans can see the work on my public Facebook Lexxperience group at If you come back and see this and you have moved your art collection to a different site, please repost!
